POPD Clarification Text

Regarding the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“KVKK”) published in the Official Gazette dated 7 April 2016 and numbered 29677, in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, and to determine the obligations of real and legal persons who process personal data in the processing of personal data. MAPA Machine Parts Industry Inc. (“MAPA”), as Data Controller, we would like to inform you in accordance with Article 10 of the Law, titled “Information Obligation of Data Controller”. MAPA Customers and/or Customer’s officials keep the system infrastructure and internet presentations and documents at the most reliable level in order to protect the confidentiality of personal information received from potential customers, personnel, suppliers and third parties.


MAPA processes, stores and transfers personal data that it considers necessary in order to provide the best service it aims to provide, as well as the information that its customers must obtain from its customers and authorities to the extent permitted by legal regulations. In this context, personal data can be used to communicate with relevant persons through the data shared by our Customers in order to provide our Company’s services and to carry out the necessary works in this context, to provide activities such as delivery and technical support within the scope of our customers’ activities, to carry out customer acquisition studies, to share offers regarding customers’ products and services, MAPA Making reports, inspections, etc., which are deemed necessary within the scope of its activities and processed within the scope of purposes.


MAPA Customers and/or Customer’s officials can obtain personal data of potential customers, personnel and third parties from all kinds of written, verbal, and electronic media, from themselves, third parties and legal authorities.


Data that MAPA receives for the purpose of providing services, with third parties in the country and abroad and their affiliates, the persons and institutions from which it receives services and/or consultancy, with MAPA’s choice to whom it makes a confidentiality agreement, with the business partners with whom it has signed contracts, with whom it cooperates can be shared with third parties.

It is possible for MAPA to keep the records and documents regarding the transactions with its Customers for a certain period of time within the scope of legal regulations. If you want your personal data to be deleted or destroyed or anonymized, your request can be fulfilled by MAPA at the end of the period determined by legal regulations, however, during this period, your personal data will not be processed by MAPA and will not be shared with third parties, except for national and international legal, regulatory and contractual obligations.


In case the party to this Agreement is a person, the Customer, and if it is a legal person, the Customer’s officials may use the following rights by applying to MAPA as of October 7, 2016, in accordance with the provisions of the PDPL, regarding their personal data:

  • Learning whether personal data is processed or not,
  • If personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,
  • To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,
  • Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred in the country or abroad,
  • Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data,
  • In case of correction, deletion or destruction of personal data, requesting that these transactions be notified to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,
  • Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • Requesting the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to the illegal processing of personal data.

Requests submitted in this context will be finalized free of charge by MAPA within 30 (thirty) days at the latest. However, if a fee is stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Board, the fee in the tariff determined by our Company will be charged.


If you want to contact us, give feedback or ask your questions within the scope of the Law No. 6698, you can personally send it to “TOSB Automotive Supply Industry Specialized OSB 1. Cadde No:22 Çayırova, Kocaeli” with your petition containing your request and documents comfirming your identity, via a notary public. You can send it to ” kvkk@mapa.com.tr ” with secure electronic signature and / or via your e-mail address registered in the system.

In this context, written applications to be made on the subject will be accepted following our identity verification to process, and the relevant parties will be returned within the legal period.

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